Welcome to my blog. I’m on a quest to adventure my way through this next year — to challenge myself, face fear, collect memories, and bring friends along for the ride of our lives. Join me?
Outdoor recreation:
Backpack for 3+ nights, Tube the Poudre River, Raft the Poudre River, SUP yoga, Summit another 14-er, Stay in a yurt overnight, PR in Outdoor Divas Tri, Slack line, Zip line, Run a 6 1/2-minute mile, Skydive
Take a personal finance class, Take a crafting class (Pinot’s Palette, Magpie’s), Do a coffee/chocolate/wine tasting course, Get a pro makeover at a legit make-up store, Take a Wilderness Preparedness course, Learn Orienteering, Take XC Ski Lessons, Take climbing lessons, Take swing/line/hip-hop dance lessons, Take a public speaking class, Hire a coach to train for race goals
Just for fun:
Trampolining, Laser tag, Karaoke, Skinny dipping, Throw a dart at a map and go wherever it lands, Skip make-up for a week, Take a vow of silence for 1-3 days, See a concert at Mishawaka, Camp overnight solo, Join a club, Start a business, Attend and/or participate in a poetry slam, Be part of a flash mob, Get a henna tattoo, Take a brewery tour
Moved to “Tunes to Share” page
Don’t Keep Your Day Job podcast with Cathy Heller especially the episode titled How to Turn Pain Into Purpose - The Last Bookstore’s Josh Spencer
The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure by Caroline Paul and Wendy MacNaughton
You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero. Note: The language is rough in this book, but if you’re inclined to read past that, the principles are mostly dead-on. Reading it through the lens of my faith, I found many points worth pondering, thus my recommendation to you.
You probably know to ask yourself, “What do I want?” Here’s a way better question by Mark Manson:
How I Built This podcast from NPR with Guy Raz